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Dealing with ethical problems in the healthcare system in Lithuania: achievements and challenges
  1. V Bankauskaite1,
  2. I Jakusovaite2
  1. 1European Observatory on Health Care Systems, MSC, Ps del Prado, Madrid, Spain
  2. 2Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Kaunas University of Medicine, Kaunas, Lithuania
  1. Correspondence to:
 V Bankauskaite
 European Observatory on Health Care Systems, MSC, Ps del Prado, 18-20, 2.024, E-28071 Madrid, Spain; vbankauskaite{at}


Ethical problems in healthcare in Lithuania are identified, existing mechanisms that deal with them are analysed and policy implications are discussed. At least three groups of ethical problems exist in the Lithuanian healthcare system: problems in the healthcare reform process, in interprofessional interaction and in doctor–patient relationships. During the past 15 years, several diverse legal, political and administrative mechanisms have been implemented in Lithuania to tackle these problems. Despite major achievements, numerous problems persist, implying that the focus should be shifted to different mechanisms and interventions. It is necessary to broaden the conceptual understanding of ethics in healthcare and focus on management ethics to tackle ethical problems in Lithuania or in other countries in transition.

  • CEC, clinical ethical committee

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  • Competing interests: None.

  • Ethics approval: Not relevant.